Islamic Humanitarian Foundation
International,(IHF International) is Non
Governmental Organization, founded in 2011 by Sheik Salis Shaban for the
purpose of global humanitarian
activities. IHF International worked assiduously to support the achievement of
the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’S
2015). Currently, IHf continues to work more strongly in the achievements of SDG'S. The organization has branches in ten( 10) countries worldwide with the
headquarters based in Ghana,
is undisputable that
many African countries are still lagging behind in terms of
education healthcare,
poverty alleviation, amongst
others. Global Conflict is increasing in
the world. Governments and international
bodies such as ,African Union(AU), European Union (EU) and United Nations (UN)
have done their best over the years to address this global challenges. However, these bodies can
not overcome the developmental challenges at all, if left alone . The
way forward
see initiatives
and commitment
from influential individual, groups, NGO’S ,Civil society groups, religious
organization etc to partner these
Having travelled to so many
countries in Africa
,Europe and beyond spreading
Islam, Sufism
(Spiritual Path in Islam) and preaching tolerance and peace among
world religions, the founder
realized the great
in harnessing
grass root
support, volunteerism
and financial resources, to mobilize and redirect the
energies of
people globally, particularly using his
large followers through
his numerous religious activities, gatherings etc as
agents to directly and positively improve the condition of humanity globally.
Thus Sheik Salis Shaban has made
strong commitment
to work tirelessly , consciously and strategically for global humanitarian services.
“my mission is to awaking all and draws the attention of every
one; male or female, old or young, black or white, leader or subordinate, rich
or poor, educated or uneducated etc. to take a critical look at the globe and
ponder on the unacceptable global situations; poverty, illiteracy,
developmental imbalances discrimination, social injustices, conflicts and wars etc…
particularly in Africa. Thus; i mean ; look
at the unacceptable global situations and look within you to identify what
contributions you can make to make the world a better place”
Sheikh Salis Shaban.
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